Sep. 1, 2021
What we have going
In society now we have way too many Karen's, too many Tom's. We have sucky babies, taddle tails, too many insensitive, too many sensitive. There is no more assertive, passive and aggressive behavior. There is just passive, crying, folding,
dividing and hate. There is not enough fight for life, many too comfortable sitting on the couch, procrastinating what to do next. Right now most friendships are failing, love is failing and no one or not many is conquering anything. Just saying we going backwards,
not forward and we have grown adults acting like 3rd graders. Just saying we are sad in this century. Be who your meant to be and for the most of us. Everything listed is not them. Be you and be off the couch and stop the tears, bitching, moaning and etc.
Just live.
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you one crazy cracka