Dec. 4, 2016

A funny few thoughts

A  ha ha for you.

Things you should know..

Instagram models are not real.

I should know,I was one.

Politicians will never tell the truth,you should know.You voted.

Vegans and meat eaters love to argue with one another.

When both are always wrong.

Crossfitters act like its a fight club.

Steroids shrinks your nuts,not your junk.

Your wife will always be one step

ahead of you.

Cats really don't have 9 lives.

I am actually green.Not white

Sharts are just an excuse for shitting yourself.

I come from a galaxy far away,nowhere near here nor there.

Some like me and some don't,either way thoughts of me wreak havoc on your mind throughout the day.

Some women have more balls and manhood then some men.

Some men are more of a women then women.

Christmas should stay Christmas,not changed to happy holidays.

Be groovy,Be stellar

and for crying out loud....

BE YOU.Rudi Jensen