Sep. 3, 2017
Never really knowing
"We go through life never really knowing if we were actually liked for or loved for real or not.
©Rudi Jensen
We tell ourselves we are,
But still for most,protect our hearts and mind.
Whether it be a friend you laugh,cry and party with.
Tell your deepest darkest secrets.
You really do never know what they say or do behind you.
Or whether it be your wife/husband or just lover.
Spending bonding moments both loving and warming.
You really never know how they will be behind you.
There will always be back stabbing friendships,lies and betrayal.
You will not always know about them.
There will always be cheating,moments of hate,anger and dispar.
Let your mind loose and be one with yourself.
And not have to stumble across these non humble times...
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you one crazy cracka