Oct. 19, 2017
Alone,Helpless and Broken
Sometimes we feel alone,
©Rudi Jensen
helpless and broken,
Little pieces of us die daily,
Whether we are expecting it or not.
Can be past moments or current,
Life is not a basket full of
peaches all the time.
We will fall and crumble,
Rise and conquer,
We will rage and cry.
Have laughter and giggles,
There will be lust,love and pain.
We will struggle financially and emotionally,
Of we are gonna contemplate,
alot of things..
We will be walked on,
Kicked to the curb.
Picked back up and put back together
We will have celebrations and regret.
Sometimes all this leaving us feeling lonely,
helpless and broken..
But it only stops there,
Happiness always waits with open arms.
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you one crazy cracka