Nov. 10, 2017

Relationship ownership Dog vs Partner

So by this I mean that when you get a dog.

You feed it,water it,love it and play with it.

You make it feel wanted,make it feel loved,

You pet it,hug and cuddle it.

So why is it that so many forget to love their partner back?

The love is forgotten,the touch is not present,

The passion and conversation is gone,

Now that alone feeling is present.

Why love one and not the other,

But then again some cant love neither or even themselves.

Sometimes it is them and sometimes other variables involved..

Either way,you tie neither to a tree on a chain until you wanna love again..

That is out right torture,either love or set free..

To me dog or human,the relationship is the same minus the XXX content

between couples..©Rudi Jensen

You want or you dont want..

Be groovy,

Be stellar

and be you.