Feb. 24, 2018

How you captivate my mind flow

"Your beauty captivates me,
I am in awe of the person you are and have become.
Thoughts of you consume me daily,
For my love for you,is so special and strong,
For I would do anything in my powers to be there for you,
Chemistry so intense,
Some of the purest around
Love so rare,
Sometimes it glares,
Making us look like we really have flare.
But there are those days,where we just stare..
Feeling it in and out of my body,
Flowing like intense waves smashing against the rocks,
Leaving me pulsating when in your presence.
My love for you grows daily in so many ways,
I love how it flows like your hair blowing in the wind.
How you captivate me....."

©Rudi Jensen