Oct. 20, 2018
Ladies this one for you
"Fake friends and profiles
©Rudi Jensen
Nothing like pretending to be in style,
When you're not even Lyle.
Let alone know how to smile,
Everything out of your mouth is
I hope you catch the west Nile.
Never try to dial me,
Just listening to your tone,
Thinking you belong on a throne.
Makes me wanna smash you with a bone
Remember when I found out you were Kyle.
You dick,you prick,you tally whack hick.
Never thought I would learn you're trick.
Now go away and take a pick.,
Suck a dick
You're not so slick,
You make me sick,
Thinking I am some stupid chick
That don't click,
I don't need you,I can go and flick
You sir need a swift kick."
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you one crazy cracka