"Let me tell about this girl,
©Rudi Jensen
Who is pretty much going to make you hurl
She is a pretty,
A desperate seeker,
Fake mind and beaker
Long hair and smiles for days
Yes turns out to be a fail
She is not a bae
Nor a game
But a liar and a snail
Slowing moving in hoping to sail
One you will start to flail
She dont care,
All about the flare and nails
Yes a snake in a pail.
Make sure you listen to my tale
Otherwise she make you stale.
For you red,they will all know you will bale.
There is no care?
She has stare,
No comfort in that glare
I always wondered if she had a spare
Being she dont really care
Its all about the head swell.
That dont do nothing but ring a bell
Knowing this I will tell
About this girl who fell
On her way to hell.
Of course I was under her spell.
My broken heart,you can tell..
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you one crazy cracka