Feb. 14, 2019

My Love Bug

"I met you, we clicked
We gave it a whirl and you became my world
Now you are my girl,
My Love bug, Toots, Hunny and more
You are my light,
Making everything so damn right.
You are my serenity
You are my hope
My passion and fashion
Looking forward to more
With your love and flare,
Always knowing you care.
Leaving my heart taking flight,
And a strong future in sight..
Bringing shakes and trembles galore
Drawn closer daily,
Soon we be old and scaly
Holding each other so tightly in our arms for eternity..
Knowing we already made a fraternity
So there will be no maternity...
Bold we are, cold we're not,
But what a thought...
Being with you every night though..


©Rudi Jensen