Some motivation
You ever had that opportunity to move forward with someone. It could be the greatest thing for you both of you. You write,you text and you do smoke signals. And bam the wall goes up in smoke and you find yourself debating to just cut the tie cause
it now seems not worth your time. Ever push and thrive for a better job, fitness and pleasure to have it continuously knocked down ? Both situations have a mind set and a down set. Either way, the things you pursue in life whether it be love or comfort. Have
downfalls and big walls. Pushing forward always, never be a second choice when it comes to love.
Never let your guard down because you cannot push forward to find your career or what you think will make you complete. We will always have hardships
pursuing anything in life. When things do not go your way, keep your head up and your feet. When one way does not work, there is always another door that opens. Be positive and keep pushing forward til you find your light, love and comfort. Have a most stellar
day. Rudi Jensen
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you one crazy cracka