We go through life making the best of it day in and day out. Trying to bring smiles, laughter, shed our love and many more. We walk like we are above all when we are floating through our days. But when we live like that for so long. Then we experience a death, break up, loss of a pet. We go spiraling down hill. Losing all those wonderful feelings. One's that never really have been presented to us in life before. So now we are in distraught mode, wondering wtf to do. In reality, alot of us were not taught how to be broken, sad, hurt or in distress. So also reality it should not be the end of the world. Life goes on and so does the pain, anguish and broken feeling. As easy as it sounds, really it is not. But it does end and get better, kinda like those days you have chronic hiccups. They end like most other things, try to stead ahead of unworthy thoughts and due process when a matter arises. Not everything is always worth getting bent out of shape over. Remember everything that effects our minds, hearts and souls. In the end we learn how to be stronger, are more prepared for anything else to rise in the future. Be patient, understanding and certainly stop worrying so much when something goes wrong. Rudi Jensen
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you one crazy cracka