Jun. 8, 2019

Living in the shadows Part one

"Some of us hide behind the shadows living a life
that's not so much a life.
One with very deep emotions soaring inside,
Lack of love, appreciation, kindness and more..
Slowly breaking apart inside daily..
Confused on what to do or where to go.
Pondering if its me or them.
Unsure at this point now,
As the feeling of being lost has long passed and
now beyond broken.
Seeking a way or a path to happiness once again.
To see that I deserve to be loved and appreciated.
Not forgotten, ignored and more.
My heart is still warm with filtered light left.
One day hoping the barrier of the shadows will
once again be lit..
And offer a bright future ahead.."

©Rudi Jensen


08.06.2019 14:37


This is very deep,I have felt this way for years.Thank you for getting in my head and making me think.xx