Aug. 31, 2019


"I am living a life of pain to the deepest depths of my soul,
Knowing I have committed some things wrongly.
I am still reminded daily of those flaws and mistakes.
Ripping every step I have taken forward,
Riding me 10 steps back.
Never eager to awake my mornings,
As darkness lurks as if though it never left,
And that my eyes are still closed.
My pain goes deeper then emotions,
Being reminded daily and told about the tragedies I have caused.
Has become most unbearable deep with in.
Trying to run from it,
But there is no way to run,
As it follows closely lurking in the shadows
Bringing me closer to it dragging and my kicking feet.
Knowing I have fallen,
Not seeing any light to bring me back.
Day in and day out I am given flak,
Day in and day out coldness and disturbing stares.
Burning inside like a road side flare.
At one time I could bare it all.
Now I just fall daily and bawl..
Let me out, let me be free....."

©Rudi Jensen