Sep. 26, 2019

The beast with in awaits

"Out there in the darkness, awaits a beast.
One who takes you deep with in its grasp,
Dragging you down to the floor.
Where it rips out pieces of your soul out,
Searching for memories suppressed in your mind,
Using them against you at free will,
Thoughts now nonexistent..
Causing sheer panic throughout,
Turning everything to a mess..........
Nerves attacking freely.
Making fear rise at every movement,
Bones feel as if they're rattling as the shivers flow,
Palms sweaty with hot and cold flashes surging
throughout the body..
Losing all internal glow,
Awaiting for it to end...
The panic starts, ends, starts, ends....."

©Rudi Jensen


27.09.2019 03:35


Amazing, this is almost how I feel word by word. I am glad you found a way out of your mind. Can I message you about maybe some tips ? Thank you love your work. You hit home so much with reality. xox