Nov. 16, 2019

False hope on love

As you create false hope in our lives,
In my mind and once loving heart,
Has now sunken and broken.
Leaving me to seek attention elsewhere,
Trailing to feel secure, but failing at every attempt.
Trying to find myself, remembering what it was
like to be me.
Having the life sucked out of me daily,
It has been a struggle..
Pondering when it will come to a end.
The unloving grumpy and moody behavior towards me.
Feels like my childhood all over again.
Making me keep losing control of myself.
The endless and sleepless nights wondering when your
love would come again.
Has drained me as a person,
Losing myself deep inside.
All the ignoring, sidelining,
Letting me think I was your nothing.
Has collapsed me on the inside,
Always seeking a way in or a way out.
But just stuck lurking around like I have no one in
my corner..

©Rudi Jensen