Our world
"The way we are going in our world,
©Rudi Jensen
With a trend of sniveling tarts,
Bunch of pansies wanting control of the world,
Seems not good enough anymore.
And not a better world,
Their own world,
A world order on their thoughts,
Their idea's,
Their ways.
A world order of bubble wrapped tits.
One that fits the leftist,
One that fits the feminist,
One that fits genders,
One that fits the protesting snowflakes,
Even the Vegans.....
One that don't fit anyone that speaks out.
No great country was ever built and ran by such.
You make a better world by working together, not against it.
But hey with the internet & greed and need for more.....
Why not go backwards,
Sure an app can fix it.
Better left with the PEOPLE doing their thing.
As adults we don't need told how to talk, walk, dress and be
someone who were not.
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you one crazy cracka