Mar. 31, 2020

FAKE NEWS IS KILLING US ALL " Cross Posted in Blogs too "

Our minds and patience is slowly fading. Our hearts breaking piece by piece daily. The sheer panic, seeping into some peoples mind is not good. I would like to say to all. Please be careful where your information about the C orona V irus comes from. Misinformation is so dangerous. There is so much misinformation out there causing more harm then good.. Chaos is everywhere over the theories, conspiracy theories and paranoia. Causing fear mongering and panic when none is needed. We are all adults and have known about viruses for years and always acted on them. As serious as this is, it is not worth the panic, stay home and do your quarantine. Wash your hands, dont touch your face and etc. We all know this, parents inciting fear in the children is so not cool. Learn the right info, from the health boards and CDC, Your Government. But stop listening to YouTube nonsense, fake Doctors and etc. Making everyone lose their minds and create doubt, fear or sheer panic. Is not the way. Just saying, be safe and listen to truthful information. Rudi