Apr. 12, 2020

Just saying

Happy Fucking Quarantined Easter G overnment fear mongering day at its finest. Enough is enough... Dont eat the rabbit they say, I say why, they say Quarantine. I say I am eating, playing and loving and f uck you New world order. Fear mongering at its finest. Believe what you want, our life, freedom and ability to free think is over. So whatever you believe, you believe. Dont always believe the hype, dont be a sheeple, dont fear monger and look into everything and research everything. More then meets the eye on this one. Wash your hands and prepare for a New start to another controlling event by elites to cause, reshape havoc in our lives. Just saying, nothing happy about holidays when we are in a world all about fear mongering. Controlling the people because you cant control them is gone too far. GREAT WAY TO MAKE PEOPLE LISTEN. TAKE EVERYTHING AWAY. Keep your eyes open and dont believe everything you read or watch. Wash your hands...Rudi Jensen
"They say life is how you make it, I say life is how the Government makes it "