Aug. 31, 2020

Online women and men bashing

Ya'll that men and women bash online. Are so sad...Oh boo hoo someone broke your heart and screwed you over. I am afraid to say that is life as shitty as it is. But whatever lets bash them, how sad. Then you got the mom's and dad's bashing the other parent online or trash talking in front of the kids. So low and parasite like. Grow up and realize that not all of life's relationship be filled with cream pie and amazing crust. Most are filled with maggots and crusty times ? As adults we know this, but who care's right. Lets just be man haters and women haters, cause yes that is so fucking cool. For me, it is so hard not to judge a drama filled women or man bashing opposite sex to friends or kids. Very sad to see everyday on facebook. Not to mention any other man or women watching ya'll bash the other. I am sure that keeps the men and women calling. Who in the fuck wants some whiny man or women bashing hater present. So sad. Rudi