"Sometimes re-evaluating new love,
©Rudi Jensen
Saves the mind in the future..
©Rudi Jensen
So new relationships are always like the honeymoon phase. Sad thing is, it can sting us bad. While we are caught up in capturing the alone feeling we had before with someone now. We lose sight on what reality is many times. So when we start losing years of friendship, family, our jobs and our minds. Are attitudes change, we start blowing people off. It is then time to look at what your doing and how you treating others now. New love is good, its grand and its certainly a wonderful feeling. But when we lose sight on everything else. It can really backfire hard and leave us with a bad taste in our mouth. All in all when we find new love, it is really transparent we will eventually lose a few. But when it starts effecting long term friends and family. Not all love is worth it. Stay alert and not blind. Rudi Jensen"
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you one crazy cracka