Apr. 18, 2022

The time to shine is now

"If you know someone is trying to come out of the closet.
Let them know the lights are on everywhere.
Its ok to shine now.

I know the world is still in denial that folks can and will have what ever their preference for sex is. Whether be man on man of women on women. Or man and women. In reality who care's who anyone wants to bang. Not my business as they not banging me. The world works in some harsh ways. I can never stress enough to anyone stuck not wanting to come out. COME OUT and fuck what anyone says about your lifestyle. Its your lifestyle, not theirs. That is about all that needs to be said. I kinda admire the courage someone wanting to come out has. The admiration for the will to push through which in the end. Can be a very hurtful experience for one. The sheer pain, love, madness and many more emotions flare up. I encourage anyone to shine bright no matter what the world thinks, your mom and dad, your friends or employers. Your happiness is the most important. NEVER FORGET. Rudi Jensen


©Rudi Jensen