Aug. 6, 2022

Society and its fall

"We eventually all will need to rewire, reprogram or rethink our ways,
Otherwise the demise of the well mannered, loving and working class will be wiped away,
The self entitlement the world has embraced, is a leading cause in our destruction.
Destroying all history, generations of hand me downs, rituals, family traditions and etc is off the wall.
The world has become so toxic, judgmental and way too many people not minding their own business.
Intruding on strangers like it is actually the thing to do.
Opinions are no longer opinions, but considered hate if one dont agree with another.
And cosmetic judgement is a leader in the race, but half not realizing they live off app filters.
How bizarre to judge looks when one looks like a cartoon or puppet.
The ability to care for objects rather then human life, is well... Unacceptable for us.
Until we remember what real fun, real people and real life is.
Life will continue to drop us all with broken hearts and broken minds.."

©Rudi Jensen