Sep. 16, 2022
Just saying...
As life goes on and we all break, heal and repair in which seems monthly and yearly. We learn and grow with each new heart break, with each new obstacle, with each new brain tangle. We learn how to deal with life trauma our way. Yes cause
we were never taught about being broken, in distraught worlds and more. So when we break, what is the right way to deal with it ? There is no right way to say it, as we all treat it differently. So one's advice to another, may very well not work in anyway.
Broken is broken and there are many terms to broken. One's broken will not be the same as anothers. Something we all try to compare and state. In my opinion that is nonsense as no one should judge or tell someone how to deal with broken. We all have red flags,
broken moments and broken minds. So rather then fight each other off with who's pain is more. Why not bond, share our stories and help one another out to get over it. Comparison of anothers is well selfish. ©Rudi Jensen
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you one crazy cracka